I believe in stories. I live in a story. I tell others, and especially myself, stories all the time. May I suggest: you do too. How we explain things, life, whether we call our explanations history, science, experience, literature, religion, faith, art, cinema, politics, economics, predetermined, entertainment, sports, etc.; truth; or just plain fact; how we understand our individual lives; it is all, they are all, stories. Stories historic, customary, usual, accepted; stories fact, measurable, repeatable; stories material, physical; objective; subjective; temporal, transitory; maybe spiritual; singular; common; old wives' tales; imaginative, imaginary, fiction; rehashed, fresh; adjectival. The thing is: the stories that we listen to; that we take in; especially those we refer to, repeat, believe; are never just stories. They are not something to try to ignore. They influence us. Sometimes, they form us. Stories are the fabric of our understanding. They are how we hold things, our mental worlds, indeed our physical worlds, together. They form our understandings of, explanations of, life. They form our understandings of, explanations of, life. We would be smart to accept stories only after thinking about and consciously deciding for them. Choosing and believing in them not just because our parents, friends, family, social groups, neighbors, community have; not just because the media or government or celebrities or influencers or businesses tell us this is how life is; but because we, personally, individually, believe the story you are thinking of, and sometimes repeat, to be useful and good. Maybe, even, energizing. LukeyoutheU has a number of stories, and books. Stories that I employ in the search for and finding of meanings; stories that I think are useful and good. Stories taken from real life, legend, the imagination, history, tradition, ancient texts, holy texts, observation, personal experience. I invite you, in general, and in LyU, if you want, to find, choose, listen to, read the stories that speak to you. This website has a number of pages. It has been work to design and write it, most of it fun. Had I had known what I was getting in to, though, I am not sure I would have had the courage to begin. Is that not the case for much of what is worthy in life? Thanks, Jake Knight contents an introduction introduction two introduction three |